
[CS229] Lecture 3 Notes - LWR/Prob Interp/Logistic/Perceptron

  1. Locally Weighted Regression
  2. Probablistic Interpretation of LR
  3. Classification (Logistic Regression)
  4. Disgression -> Perceptron

1. Locally Weighted Regression

1.1. The origin:

  • The choice of features is important to ensuring good performance of a learning algorithm.

  • The Locally weighted linear regression (LWR) algorithm, which assuming there is sufficient training data, makes the choice of features less critical.

1.2. Detail:

The locally weighted linear regression alogorithm does the following:

  1. Fit \( \theta \) to minimize \(\sum_i w^{(i)} (y^{(i)} - \theta^T x^{(i)} )^2\).
  2. Output \(\theta^T x\).

where \(w^{(i)} = \exp\left(-\frac{(x^{(i)} - x)^2}{2\tau^2}\right)\), \(\tau\) is called “bandwidth”.

Note that:

  • the wights depend on the particular point \(x\) at which we’re trying to evaluate \(x\).
  • if \(\vert x^{(i)} - x \vert\) is small, the \(w^{(i)}\) is close to 1;
  • if \(\vert x^{(i)} - x \vert\) is large, the \(w^{(i)}\) is close to 0;

1.3. Parametric v.s. Non-Parametric Learning Algorighms:

“Parametric” learning algorithm:

  • Fix numbers of parameters to fit the model;

“Non-Parametric” learning algorithm:

  • Number of parameter grows with \(m\) (\(m\) is the training size).
  • To make predictions using LWR, we need to keep the entire training set around. (LWR is the first example in the class as a non-parametric algorithm).

2. Probablistic Interpretation of LR

2.1. Assumptions:

We assume that:


  1. \(\varepsilon^{(i)}\) is the error and \(\varepsilon^{(i)} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)\), which means \(P(\varepsilon^{(i)}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\exp\left(-\frac{(y^{(i)} - \theta^T x^{(i)})^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)\).
  2. \(\varepsilon^{(i)}\) is I.I.D. (independently identically distributed).

2.2. Maximum Likelihood

2.2.1. There are two different basic ideas in probability:

  1. Frequency point of view -> (Applied here!)
  2. Bayesian point of view.

2.2.2. The principle of maximum likelihood:

  • To choose \(\theta\) to maximum \(L(\theta)\), \(\theta\) is NOT a random value, but a true value out there!

2.3. Find the best \(\theta\) to reach the “Maximum Likelihood”:

Then, the “Likelihood” of the \(y\) is:

Then, for mathematical convenience, let

Therefore, to maximize \(l(\theta)\) is to minimize \(\sum_{i=1}^m \frac{\left(y^{(i)} - \theta^T x^{(i)}\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}\), which is the same as minimizing \(J(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{\left(y^{(i)} - \theta^T x^{(i)}\right)^2}{2}\) (this is the rule for Least Square).

3. Classification and Logistic Regression

Note: Generally, it’s bad idea to use LR for classification problems. Why? It doesn’t make sence for \(h_\theta(x)\) to take values larger than 1 or smaller than 0 when we know that \(y\in{0,1}\).

3.1. Logistic regression for classification problems

As in a classification problem:

To fix the problems when using Linear Regression, we choose another form of function for our hypothesis \(h_\theta(x)\).


\(g(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}\) is called “sigmoid” function or “logistic” function.

Figure 2. Sigmoid function.

Then, we have

Then the likelihood is

For mathematical convenience, let

To maximize the likelihood, here we use gradient ascent by \(\theta := \theta + \alpha \nabla_\theta l(\theta)\). The derivative is (derivation omitted, can be found on Page 18 in the notes):

(added on 02/19/2019)

Note 1. Review of “logistic regression” from scratch.

4. Digression - Perceptron

Almost the same procedure as the logistic regression. The only difference is the \(g(z)\) used in the process.

The \(g(z)\) used in perceptron learning algorithm is:

Figure 2. Perceptron function.

Then, \(h_\theta(x) = g(\theta^T x)\), and the update rule for perceptron learning algorithm is almost the same:

(added on 02/19/2019)

Note 2. Review of the “perceptron learning algorithm”.


  1. » Stanford CS229 Lecture Note Part I & II

